Request your voiceover Fill in the below and we'll email your script to the requested talent and deliver your final product back to you via email. "*" indicates required fields Your InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*Your Company Spot InformationAdvertiser Name* Project Name Requested Talent*Aaron AAdam SAiden DAl GAL RAlan RAlicia KAllan BAllison BAloysiousAndy MAnn TAnthony PBabs BBarry MBill CBill DUBill LBill SBilly DBilly MBob SBob WBrandonTBrian DBryan MCam CCathy BChad GmailChris PChristi BChristineChuck MChucky BCortni JDallas FDave ZDavid WDiane MDiane SpringsDick DDL RayDylan HEric SErick AGO HimselfGregHGriffin PHannah SHollywood[email protected]Jack NJanine HJason PJeff CJeff WJeff W2Jennifer KJerry LJerryBJim AJimmy SJJ SJoe DJosee CJulia CJulie KJulie KOKacey HottKelly WKen MKendall JKim VLeslie ALiam BMargo ZMark HMark RMarla GMary PMaryRMatt CMax HMel MMelissa RMike BMikePMitch TOlivia HPaco LPaul HPaul McDanielPeter BakerRachelWRandi GRic YoungRJ KRuth RRyanDSam GSean OSean VShawn MSheri BSherry TSir HamiltonSteve DTasha NTawneTeddy SThomas HTom MTyler BValDZannie KSpot Length*Choose spot length0:00 - 0:150:16 - 0:300:31 - 0:60Other (enter details below)ISCI / SOW # Type Length Details (if different from above) Example: 6 minute narration / Deliver with files separated / No time restrictionTurnaround Time / Deadline* Script Delivery Method Copy and Paste Script Upload Script If you need to upload more than 4 scripts, please email to [email protected].Is there more than 1 script in this order? Yes No FileMax. file size: 100 MB.FileMax. file size: 100 MB.FileMax. file size: 100 MB.FileMax. file size: 100 MB.ScriptDirectionGive us an idea of what type read you are looking for plus anything else the voice needs to knowSend final voiceover file(s) to the below email addressesThis is my FIRST EZ Voices Order* Yes No Upload Audio Sample (looking for a similar read)Max. file size: 100 MB.HiddenFinal Voiceover Audio Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 100 MB. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ